SUP Center Balaton - Lake Balaton, Tihany, Hungary

Opening times

Depending on the weather, the SUP Center is generally open from April 1st to October 15th from 9am to 6pm daily
For more exact, updated opening times please visit our profile on SUP Center Balaton – Google Maps


How to find us

The SUP Center is situated in the family resort Club Tihany, about 350 meters next to the ferry, at the tip of the Tihany peninsular. At the entrance of the holiday resort, please tell the guards that you are going to visit the SUP Center. They will hand you out a temporery pass with a time stamp.
Please drive pass the hotel and turn right. Right before the yacht club you will see the entrance to the beach marked with a SUP flag. Find a parking spot and meet us at the beach!

Who we are

We are Hetti Király and Andreas Novotny. Since 1988 we are running a water sports centre with a windsurfing and sailing school and boat rental in Tihany at Lake Balaton. In April 2011 we expanded our program to include Stand Up Paddling and started the first SUP centre in Hungary.

Besides SUP equipment we also hire out kayaks, pedalos and windsurf equipment.
